

Installing Anaconda on Windows.

Anaconda is most recommended software to run your Python and R Programs. Follow the steps below to install the Anaconda distribution of Python on Windows. Steps: Visit Select Windows Download the  .exe  installer Open and run the  .exe  installer Open the  Anaconda Prompt  and run some Python code Once u Installed Anaconda in your Computer ,  Goto Start - > Click Anaconda3(64 bit) shown above ->Click Anaconda Prompt U will get path  "(C:\Users\Student\Anaconda3) C:\Users\Student>" like this... Here type "jupyter notebook" to open jupyter to type python programs. (C:\Users\Student\Anaconda3) C:\Users\Student>jupyter notebook Press Enter    http://localhost:8888/?token=2737af248d8b264ed1e36f258295c7c8d1d2caecc7921257 copy this path from cmd window and paste it in browser or it will opened in the browser automatically like below.. it opens the jup

Ethical Hacking V10

This post having a material of Ethical Hacking V10 Course. So can u download the course content from below link . CEH v10 Module 00 -  Introduction and table of Contents -  Module  00 CEH v10 Module 01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking - Module 01 CEH v10 Module 02 - Footprinting & Reconnaissance -  Module 02 CEH v10 Module 03 - Scanning Networks -  Module 03 CEH v10 Module 04 - Enumeration -  Module 04 CEH v10 Module 05 Vulnerability Analysis -  Module 05 CEH v10 Module 06 System Hacking -  Module 06 CEH v10 Module 07 - Malware Threats -  Module 07 CEH v10 Module 08 - Sniffing -  Module 08 CEH v10 Module 09 - Social Engineering -  Module 09 CEH v10 Module 10 - Denial-of-Services-  Module 10 CEH v10 Module 11 - Session Hijacking -  Module 11 CEH v10 Module 12 - Evading IDS, Firewall and Honeypots Technology Brief -  Module 12 CEH v10 Module 13 Hacking Web Servers -  Module 13 CEH v10 Module 14 - Hacking Web Applications -  Module 14 CEH v10 Mod

GE8151 Python Quesion Bank

Python Question Bank with Answers. Python Important Questions. Python 2 Marks Python Question Bank Python Question Bank Part 2 Python QB Python QB 1 All The Best :-) Thank u.....

GE 8161 - Python Lab Manual

Python Lab Manual Click The link To Download Python Lab Manual   - 1 Python Lab Manual   - 2
Operators  are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulation Types of operators: Arithmetic Operator Relational Operator  Bitwise Operator  Logical Operator  Assignment Operator Increment/Decrement Operator Conditional Operator Arithmetic Operators: In above program i used two variables a and b for doing all arithmetic operations. here see the output difference between division (/) and modulo division (%). Output: Use floating point for division , u will get better results with precision. Relational Operator: These operators are used for comparison. They return either true (1)  or  false(0)   based on the comparison result. The operator '==' should not be confused with '='. The relational operators are as follows: Sample Program: a>b is it true?, Value 10 bigger than 5, so output return 1 here a<b is it true?, Value 10 lesser than 5,is not crt. so output return 0 here. a>=c,i

C Program for Sum of Digits and Armstrong Number.

Lets see C program for Sum of digits and Armstrong number. both are same logic with different modification. ⬇️ C Program to Compute the Sum of Digits in a given Integer This is a C program to compute the sum of digits in a given integer. Problem Description This program computes the sum of digits in a given integer. Problem Solution 1. Take the integer as input. 2. Divide the input integer by 10, obtain its remainder and quotient. 3. Increment the new variable with the remainder got at step 2. 4. Repeat the step 2 & 3 with the quotient obtained until the quotient becomes zero. 5. Print the output and exit. Output: C Program to Check whether a given Number is Armstrong This is a C Program to check whether a given number is Armstrong. Problem Description This C Program checks whether a given number is Armstrong number. Problem Solution An Armstrong number is an n-digit base b number such that the sum of its (base b) digits raised to the power n