Operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulation Types of operators: Arithmetic Operator Relational Operator Bitwise Operator Logical Operator Assignment Operator Increment/Decrement Operator Conditional Operator Arithmetic Operators: In above program i used two variables a and b for doing all arithmetic operations. here see the output difference between division (/) and modulo division (%). Output: Use floating point for division , u will get better results with precision. Relational Operator: These operators are used for comparison. They return either true (1) or false(0) based on the comparison result. The operator '==' should not be confused with '='. The relational operators are as follows: Sample Program: a>b is it true?, Value 10 bigger than 5, so output return 1 here a<b is it true?, Value 10 lesser than 5,is not crt. so output return 0 here. a>=c,i