
Compile and Run a C Program

First thing you need to understand is that computer (Machine) can only understand Machine language (Stream of 0s and 1s). In order to convert your C program source code to Machine code, you need to compile it. 
Compiler is the one, which converts source code to Machine code. In simple words you can say that a compiler converts human readable code to a machine readable format.

Compiler is a software which converts a program written in high level language (Source Language) to low level language (Object/Target/Machine Language)


Install Turbo C++: Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Locate the TC.exe file and open it. You will find it at location C:\TC\BIN\.
Step 2: File > New (as shown in above picture) and then write your C program

After Click New, Type a program in the screen,

normally default extension will be ".cpp (for C++ program) " convert that into .c extention becuase you are doing C program.

Save your program as “Filename.C”  like   “Hello.C” the run your name ,
·         By directly going to compile menu option or press CTRL + F9 to run your programs.

Or press Ctrl + F9 to execute your program,

Thank u...


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